American Akita Kennel of Michiko-Shameika

American Akita Kennel


B. Ch. Justn-Time of Michiko-Shameika †


B. Ch. Justn-Time of Michiko-Shameika † - "Neela"
  • 30.01.2010
  • Teef

Neela has been tested for:

Elbow DysplasiaShoulder Dysplasia
Hip DysplasiaPatella
Eyes clear tested on:30/06/2011
Eyes clear tested on:12/04/2012

B. Ch. Justn-Time of Michiko-Shameika † showresults

19/09/2010Rasclubshow Belgische Akitaclub1VB
Beste pup van de show
13/10/2010Kampioensclubmatch NVAI1U
Beste jeugdteef

B. Ch. Justn-Time of Michiko-Shameika † pedigree

B. Ch. Justn-Time of Michiko-Shameika †
B: 30.01.2010
Kumatomo Lord Of The Rings
Never Give Up Of Hadjime-Yoshi
Kumatomo Look and Learn at Shizaru
Kumatomo Storm Ahead
Melodor Wild Wolf
Indira's Spirit of Hadjime-Yoshi
Redwitch Heaven Can Wait
Harivo Sugar And Spice at Kumatomo
Anshee Fur Ever
Harivo Sugar And Spice at Kumatomo
Melodor Wild Wolf
Melodor Razzle Dazzle
Redwitch The Heat Is On
Durga Cabbie Go Watakushi Yume

B. Ch. Justn-Time of Michiko-Shameika † photogallery

  • Afbeelding 2
  • Afbeelding 3
  • Afbeelding 4
  • 5 years old

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